* loopymix * samplayer ... Each note is specified according to this format: 'o' Where: - is recommended from 3 to 5 - is specified according to the international code (cdefgab) and 's' means a blank. - is expressed in 1/16th of 4 bar pattern (i.e 1/4th of tempo beat period). From 1 to 8. - is 'n' if there is a soft cut at the end of the defined note, and 't' if a direct transition to the following one has to be done. A lower case note letter means the exact tone. The use of the upper case means 'note#' (Applies for CDFGA) The final loop sample is automatically adjusted to a number of complete bars. Examples: o4c1t means octave 4 note C with duration = 1/16th of bar, with direct transition to following note o4C2n means octave 4 note C# with duration = 2/16th of bar, ending with a short 'cut mark' The letter 'S' used as a note means a blank (silence). For example: o4s3n (octave specification must be present but the number is ignored) * tempofitter * loopfixer -> To be used in interactive mode: When launched, it displays: -------------------------------------------------------- LoopFixer 0.10 Instructions: Q -> Quit L -> Load WAV file R -> Run the loop (4 times) D/d -> Decrease loop length (lower case = small step) I/i -> Increase loop length (lower case = small step) S -> Save result and quit H -> Recall this help > -------------------------------------------------------- * loopshifter -> To be used in interactive mode: When launched, it displays: -------------------------------------------------------- LoopShifter 0.10 Reference pattern to be loaded (WAV file), or empty entry for Quitt... -------------------------------------------------------- After having selected the wave file used as reference (beat) pattern: -------------------------------------------------------- Reference pattern successfully loaded. Instructions: Q -> Quit L -> Load WAV file to be processed R -> Run both loops as mixed (4 times) D -> 1/16 Delay A -> 1/16 Advance S -> Save result and quit H -> Recall this help > > -------------------------------------------------------- * backfitter * wavforcd